Support Biblical Learning Center
Here are Five Ways that you can Support the Ministry of Biblical Learning Center
1. Become a Monthly Financial Supporter
We need monthly financial supporters to help us underwrite the basic costs of continuing our ministry. We are a ministry first and foremost designed to "Make Disciples" which is a direct command for our Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore it is a very important ministry for the body of Christ. For more information on how you can partner with us monthly in support of this ministry: Please use the Contact Us button at the top of this page.
2. Occasional or Annual Financial Support
Perhaps throughout the year you may be able to help with the financial support of the ministry. We want you to know that your gifts are always welcome and appreciated. Perhaps today the Lord is moving you to make a financial gift to the ministry. Make your check payable to Biblical Learning Center, or use the "Donate"' button at the top of this page.
3. Give a Tax-Deductible Gift of a Automobile, Motorcycle, Boat or Property
Donate one of these, or any item of value, and get a Tax-Deduction from Uncle Sam.
For more details: Use the Contact Us button at the top of this page
4. Help Biblical Learning Center Minister at your Church
Have you been a part on one of our classes or events? Have you attended the Day of Atonement Worship Service? Have you been to one of your Sabbath Ceremonies, or one of our Passover Ceremonies, or any other event? If you can answer "YES" to any of the above, then you can be a prime influence in bringing one of these classes or events to your church! Encourage your Pastor to investigate the great things we have to offer the local church. Our Executive Director, Ron Reynolds, would be happy to call or meet with any pastor who would like more information.
5. Spread the News about Biblical Learning Center
There are 100's and 1000's of people out there who would enjoy the classes and events of Biblical Learning Center, but we don't know them!! Fortunately, we know someone who does know many of these folks; YOU! Put your thinking cap on, if you have enjoyed our ministry, we are sure you can think of others who would also enjoy being a part of what we do. Send us their names and contact information and we will be glad to add them to the mailing list. Help others get in on the fun!