The Full-Sized Replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle
During the summer of 2008 Biblical Learning Center was proud to present a full-sized replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle here in Grand Rapids, MI.
During the four month display, almost 10,000 persons visited the Tabernacle and took the guided tour.
It was a grand success!
Biblical Learning Center is now in the process of designing our own full-sized replica of the Tabernacle which will be displayed here in Grand Rapids as well in major cities throughout the Midwest.
We will use the full-sized replica to accomplish these six main goals:
1. Evangelism--the Tabernacle presents a very real and complete picture of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and we will use the Tabernacle tours to show that picture of Jesus to the unbeliever
2. Education of Christians--touring the Tabernacle will help believers better understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and will equip them with a fuller understanding that salvation is now and always has been through Jesus Christ alone.
3. Help the Local Church--the Tabernacle will provide the local churches with a unique resource for their congregations. Not only will they be able to schedule tours for their church groups, but they will also be able to use the Tabernacle for a worship service or special church event.
4. Train College Students--Biblical Learning Center will recruit students from Christian colleges throughout the nation allowing them to serve in a short term missions capacity as guides for the Tabernacle tours, thus enabling them to learn and communicate the "Gospel in the Tabernacle". During their time as guides they will also be involved in our Old Testament Adventure Class showing them that the Old Testament and New Testament are really "One Story, One Book."
5. Promote the Ministry of Biblical Learning Center--during the summer of 2008 when the Tabernacle was on display here in Grand Rapids, public and church awareness of the ministry of Biblical Learning Center reached an all time high. As a result of this new awareness, our presentations of classes and events increased significantly. The full-sized Tabernacle can be a vital link in making people and churches aware of the unique offerings of this ministry.
6. To Raise Funds for the Ministry--Biblical Learning Center is a non-profit 501 c 3 ministry which raises much of its support through the contributions of people who have been blessed by the ministry--the full-sized Tabernacle would help provide needed funds for the ministry.
Here are some of the ways you can be involved in helping make this dream a reality:
1. Help us fund the building of the full-sized replica of the Tabernacle--you can donate to this project using the "Donate" button at the top of this page or by sending your tax-deductible gift to:
Biblical Learning Center, PO Box 7373, Grand Rapids, MI 49510.
Mark the memo line of your check "Full-Sized Tabernacle Project"
2. Help us find a place to display the full-sized replica of the Tabernacle--we need a piece of property (temporary use of) that is at least 250 feet long and 150 feet wide that has good visibility as people are driving by, adequate parking, and that is located in an area that is not a big security risk. Do you know of the possibility of such a place? Please let us know.